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“I love that creating expresses everyone’s thoughts and opinions in a way that is entertaining. I also love that creating is easy for anyone to do and express themselves and can be shared or kept to private.”

Name: Juno Tobar

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Pronouns: They/Them

Inspired Aesthetics Programs: Virtual Pop-up Experience (Creative Writing), Theatre Virtual Pop-up Experience

“I love the way a single word can change the meaning of a sentence.”


What is your favorite form of artistic expression? Why?


“My favorite form of artistic expression is writing. I love the way a single word can change the meaning of a sentence. I love reading and writing because good writers have the ability to convey important ideas through a fictitious lens.”


How do you want to incorporate art/creative expression into your future?


“I want to incorporate creative expression in my future in a few ways. I plan to write a story with my two friends who are exceptional writers. I want to write on a consistent basis to help me express my feelings and thoughts. Additionally, I want to become a part time writer.”

Who influences you as an artist?


“A lot of people have influenced me as an artist. However, William A. Wellman has influenced me the most as an artist. They are a non-binary author and writing coach who, through their fictitious work and inspiring words, helped me become more comfortable acting and more confident in my writing skills. Their podcast is both funny, scary, and thoughtful. I hope to be able to write as well as they do one day.”


What is a topic or idea that is most important/interesting to you right now? Why does it matter?


“The topic that is most important to me right now is institutionalized racism. People should care because it affects Native Americans and people of color in every aspect of their life. The longer it is allowed to continue the harder it will be to get rid of.”


What do you want to do after you graduate high school?


“After I graduate I want to go to college to become a high school social studies teacher. I love learning about history since it’s all about the continuing story of our society and how it impacts us today. After a few years as a social studies teacher I want to start writing part time.”

“I’m really thankful for Inspired Aesthetics because it helped me find my love of writing again. When I decided I wanted to be a social studies teacher I abandoned the thought of being a writer in any capacity. However doing the pop-up on the weekend showed me that if I really want to be a writer, I can be. It just takes careful scheduling and passion.”

What is an opportunity that you have had, through Inspired Aesthetics, that you might not have had otherwise?


“An opportunity I had through Inspired Aesthetics that I would not have had otherwise was the opportunity to be a part of a video for the DeBruce Foundation. It was a very enjoyable experience that boosted my confidence in acting and was really exciting. I really enjoyed learning about their agilities.” (Image below)


Where can people see more of your work?


“I may have gained confidence from the Inspired Aesthetic experiences but I’m still too nervous to post most of my work publicly. One day, but not today.”


Check out some of Juno’s acting here!


Victoria Rollins


Jayden James